Gregor Fris

Gregor Fris is a pioneering content creator in the bass guitar world, known for establishing the renowned YouTube channel BassTheWorld. His journey began with a passion for music, transitioning from guitar to bass in his early years and refining his expertise through a career in music retail and writing reviews for German bass magazines.

After relocating to Weimar to prioritize family, Gregor combined his industry knowledge and connections to launch BassTheWorld. His unique focus on quality and collaborations with top-tier bassists helped him produce professional content from day one. Over the years, Gregor’s videos have become a reference point for bass enthusiasts worldwide.

Gregor has also become a good friend of Nikola Adamovic and proudly owns several Adamovic basses, including the Adamovic Light, a Hollow33 6-string, a Custom Saturn, and a Halo Hollow Body.

Gregor is one of the nicest and most genuine people Nikola knows in the music business, and we are proud to call him a friend and have him as one of our players.


Gregor discusses his  boutique basses and his fretless basses in these videos.